
Imagine never letting a single crucial update or task slip by again, making your business run seamlessly. Our Notification System, a key feature linked to our Issues Management, Work Order, and Unified Messaging systems,  is your key to excelling in the bustling hospitality world, ensuring efficient operations and happy guests. 

Stay On Top of Communication
Our real-time alerts help refine workflows and address issues promptly, taking your efficiency to the next level.

Key Characteristics

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Whether on Windows, Mac, iOS, or Android, the notifications feature is designed to cover you regardless of your software.

Instant Alerts for Five Key Events

New Messages
New Issues
New Work Orders
Updates/Comments on Issues
Updates/Comments on Work Orders.

Webhook Customization

Need a unique notification setup? Our webhook options let you integrate platforms like Slack, ensuring you get updates in a way most convenient for you.

Solving Real-world Problems

Stay Connected

Never miss messages or updates. With our instant alerts, everything's within your grasp.

Operate at Peak Efficiency

Receive on-the-spot notifications for new issues and tasks, driving swift responses and smooth processes.

Team Coordination

Real-time feedback ensures everyone's in sync, reducing the need for unnecessary catch-up meetings.

Alerts Tailored to Your Operations

With our webhook features, customize notifications to align perfectly with your communication tools and preferences.